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WUPHD Complaint Submittal Form
Western Upper Peninsula Health Department responds to public health related complaints and other issues involving unsanitary conditions that may cause illness or spread disease. Examples of common complaints WUPHD investigates include restaurant employees not wearing gloves while handling food, sewage surfacing from a failing septic system, and tattoos being performed in someone’s home. To file a complaint, please provide us with the information we need to investigate your concern. You may be contacted by an Environmental Health Sanitarian for more information, so be sure your daytime contact information is accurate.
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Information about person making Complaint:

Location of the Problem:

Information about the property owner, occupant, or probable responsible party:

This complaint will be considered a formal complaint when a complete form is submitted to the health department for investigation. All information will be kept confidential unless legal action becomes necessary. In the event of legal action, the complainant may be notified of disclosure and may be subpoenaed.