A site evaluation is the first step in obtaining a permit to replace a failing on-site sewage system. Once an application has been submitted, a sanitarian will visit the proposed site to determine a suitable system replacement based on the requirements of the sanitary code. During the site evaluation, the Sanitarian will evaluate/measure:
- Soil type, texture, permeability, depth to limiting factors such as water table, bedrock, or soil with too fast or too slow permeability. A minimum amount (12-24 inches) of suitable natural soil is required to meet the minimum requirements of the Code.
- The depth or above grade elevation of the sewage system necessary to treat wastewater and to prevent groundwater contamination. A 48 inch isolation to limiting factor is required.
- The slope and drainage patterns on the site to determine suitability.
- To surface water (wetlands, lakes, river/streams), property lines, water wells, and buildings to determine if minimum isolation distances in the Code can be met and if there is adequate space for an absorption field (initial and replacement ) sized for the number of bedrooms in the proposed home.
It is the responsibility of the landowner to ensure a backhoe and operator are onsite during the scheduled site evaluation.
Forms & Resources for System Replacement:
2024 Request for Service Application
On-Site Sewage Program Fee Schedule