A Special Transitory Food Unit (STFU) is a food service operation that serves a limited menu from an enclosed trailer or other approved layout. Once licensed, an STFU can operate throughout the State of Michigan.
Requirements to Operate a Special Transitory Food Unit (STFU)
- An STFU must submit a plan review packet, including a plan review application, fee, menu, standard operating procedures, drawing/photos/layout of trailer, equipment specification sheets, and any other applicable items listed below.
- An STFU must have the equipment and resources to ensure food safety for its menu and operation. This typically includes items such as running water to wash hands and equipment/utensils, a method to sanitize equipment surfaces, a metal stem thermometer, methods of hot and cold holding of foods, and a method of covering and protecting food from customers and the elements.
- An STFU must have the unit’s name and operator’s city on each side of the exterior in letters at least 3 inches high.
- You are required to submit a “Notice of Intent to Operate” in writing to the local health department jurisdiction you will be operating in a minimum of four (4) days prior to the event.
- You must have two (2) paid inspections per year to maintain your TFU license from year to year. The licensing year is from May 1 – April 30.
Resources for Special Transitory Food Units:
WUPHD Food Program Fee Schedule
STFU Mobile Plan Review Application
STFU Notice of Intent to Operate
STFU Mobile Plan Review Manual
STFU and Mobile Food Establishment Plan Submission Instructions
STFU and Mobile Plan Review Worksheet and Standard Operating Procedures