A significant number of local residents and businesses obtain their drinking water by means of groundwater wells. Properly locating, constructing, maintaining, and monitoring groundwater wells is critical to the prevention of waterborne illnesses.
The Environmental Health Division evaluates proposed well locations and issues well construction permits for family dwellings and small businesses. Once a permit is obtained, an applicant may enlist a registered well driller to install the well. Registered well drillers are required to construct wells in accordance with Michigan’s Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Code, Part 127, Act 368 of P.A. 1978, as amended, and rules.
The following services are part of the Environmental Health Division’s water supply program:
Raw Land/Building Well Site Evaluations
Replacement/Repair Well Site Evaluations
Non-Community Public Water Supply (Special Program)
Well Log and Abandoned Well Tracking
Existing Water Supply Inspections
Disinfection Resources:
Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water
If you have specific questions regarding these services, or would like to schedule a consultation to discuss a well construction project, please contact our Environmental Health Office at (906) 482-7382, Monday thru Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm (EST).
Fees related to the Water Supply Program are found below:
*fees are doubled if installation occurs prior to permit issuance